Fight Against Multiple Sclerosis Token was launched on the binance smart chain March17 2023.  Token symbol: FAMS

FAMS Contract Address: 0x425f027eD04f5D1660C8dd78652B32c015C0362e

Tax currently 1% into lp and 3% into marketing/charity 8% total On buys and sells

88,888,888 Total Supply


FAMS Token was developed with the purpose of being a Transparent community based cryptocurrency to help raise funds for MS fundraisers and donations!  Allocation of marketing/charity wallet to be determined as project grows.  Each Transaction pays a tax which will be used to help support awareness for Multiple Sclerosis.  Many people affected or that have friends and family coping with MS know how much of a unknown each day can be.  Raising awareness and supporting the MS society is the primary objective!  With enough support the possibility of helping those affected with high medical bills or treatment plans is also a foreseeable achievement.